New urban spaces for a sustainable future.


Masterplan historical center of Fabbrico

location: Fabbrico (RE), Italy client: Comune di Fabbrico
status: 2021 - On going
collaborators: Alessandro Molesini, Omar Ben Hamed, Giulia Iotti
program: Redevelopment of public spaces.


The project aims at the rediscovery of the central spaces of the Municipality of Fabbrico as a public space of relationship redefined again through quality and rationality criteria also in function of an enhancement of present and future uses and activities. It is planned to create new pedestrian and cycle pavements suitable for the characteristics of the space in which they are inserted. Thanks to the significant improvement in the perception of gentle mobility, the aim is to strengthen cycling and to enhance and protect pedestrian traffic. This does not disfavour vehicle access to central areas, but rather aims at the rationalization of road sections and the precise redefinition of the hierarchy between routes.